Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Audrey's first day ... of work!

We got an email about a week ago, a photographer was looking to film / shoot babies eating food & was interested in Audrey.  I agreed, and then proceeded to check out who this photographer was.  Well, she is not just your Academy of Art photography major looking to build her resume ... no, this lady is, well, she is the photographer for the Williams Sonoma cook books, among other things.  A lot of other things.  This made me even more excited.

Ever since Vivienne started modeling, I love going to shoots.  There is something fascinating about this world that so few people get to see.  I never knew all that was involved in getting a great shot for a magazine or ad.  I still don't know all of it, as I just see the day of the shoot, and not the pre or post production work.

There is also something a little nerve racking about being the mom of the child who is the model.  Every  mom out there knows what "picture day" is like ... there is only so much you can control.  Let me tell you, kids don't care if you are at a $19.99 promo shoot at Sears or if you are at a $$$$ big budget shoot for the pampers box.  They will still, in the end, do what they want.

Today we headed out to San Francisco to the studios of Maren Caruso.   Smooth sailing, but of course Audrey fell asleep in the car.  Got up to the studio (three story walk up ... can't believe I lived on the fourth floor of a walk up for seven years.) and was greeted by two of her assistants.

I also met a mom (of an adorable little boy) who happened to be one of the founders of the company Happy Tot organic baby food "easy organic baby food in pouches".  Can't wait to give it a try ... or have Audrey give it a try anyway.

Next it was on to wardrobe.  Here's Audrey in her HUGE diaper cover.  She was also going to be wearing a clean white bib as well.

For this shoot, they were going to do video and still pictures of babies exploring food in different forms.  First Audrey was given a bunch of whole bananas.  Then it was chopped bananas.  Finally, about two cups of banana puree.  With a little Credence Clear Water in the background, she was on her way.  (The music was my suggestion to get her a little more animated.  She was a little overwhelmed by all of the attention, not to mention four or five cameras!
Last minute high chair strap adjustments


The last picture is her being filmed with the banana puree.  Try as everyone did, she would not eat it.  She played with it, watched it pour from her hands, but not once put it to her mouth.  The kid who will eat sand ...

In the end I wish she would have been more animated like she is at home ... but ... there it was.  I hope they got the shots they were looking for.  I thank Maren & her staff for letting us be a part of that experience!

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