Sunday, April 17, 2011

Seeking help

So many of us are trying to "do it all". We want to be great at everything we do. Unfortunately, even if there was no such thing as sleep, we just couldn't be great at everything. I have been focusing on the PUSH PACK a lot over the last week. Really working at getting it off of the ground. As I type this entry, I think about things that I had to not do because I was working on the PUSH PACK. My house is more messy than normal (3 kids under 4 .... a clutter free clean house is a dream, unless you have a housekeeper.) My kids watched their DVDs more than usual, and laundry is piled high. I had to work my "paying job" last night. On the way home, my husband said I needed to take better care of myself. I can't shake a cold & my shoulder has been aching.

ANYWAY ... the point of this is to say that I am VERY excited! I realized I am not a graphic designer. I have ideas but try as I might, I can't get them onto the paper or more important the packaging of the PUSH PACK. I searched ETSY and found someones work that looks like something I wish I could do. So, I contacted her ... and here we go. This is pushing back my May 1st goal, but it has been 3 years, what is an additional month to have what I really want. An amazing bag that people will love for many reasons.

Here is to not being able to do it all & giving some things up. I don't know it all & can't do it all, and I need help. By admitting that, I am giving myself a sense of peace and a little giddy feeling too.


  1. Sounds like you have already learned an important rule of business, knowing when to delegate. Congrats on the new venture! Looking forward to watching you and your business grow.
