Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Am I crazy to try and blog?? I have read that if you start a blog and want it to be successful, you have to do it every day ... and don't stop after two weeks. You are so excited and then, there they are. The good and the bad, the happy and sad, easier & more challenging days ... and days you want to throw in the towel and run away. Here I am, adding one more commitment to my life - each of my days.

Today, this week really, is going to be a challenge. I have over booked myself, yet again. Some things will get canceled & other put on hold. Unfortunately, the things that usually get canceled are the fun things I am doing! I have to miss my monthly craft night this month. I really had a project I needed to work on. I will miss seeing my friends & having a good time of laughter, food, and crafting. Instead, I have to go to my "paying" job.

I am also putting on hold my work on a gift for my mom. (I don't think she reads this blog so I can mention it!) It is for Mother's Day ... so it technically can wait, but it will take a lot of time so I need to get going. (Pictures after Mother's day!)

When I have days or weeks that end up like this I think back to one of my first yoga classes. I was trying it out and scheduled to go to a class with a friend. I was also really busy with other things, so during the class my mind was racing with all that I had to do. Somewhere between the sun salute & downward dog the instructor said something like: For those of you who are not focusing ... remember, you made time to be here for 90 minutes. Be HERE in this class for 90 minutes, then get on with everything else. You are here now. BINGO! He was talking to me. I remember those words as I am driving Vivienne to class, on BART going to work or sitting and reading a book to the girls. BE PRESENT in what you are doing. Enjoy that time that you have carved out for each activity that are doing. When driving around with your kids: sing to the radio with the kids, play I spy or just look at the scenery. Thinking about the traffic, red lights & all you have to do wont make the drive any faster, it will simply make you frustrated and miserable! Enjoy your 5 minute shower ... it may be quick, but ENJOY it! I have found if I am present, and making the most out of each thing that I do, I feel a real peace inside. I am not frazzled. I may not get everything done on my list, but I am going through the day happy. It takes no more time to enjoy life that to be anxious ... and quite frankly, work gets done better when I am not stressed out!

So, take the time to ENJOY all of the things you have to do. Maybe you can fit in a few more fun things too.

Now - I am off and running!!


  1. Such a good reminder!
    Wise words cousin.
    More reasons why I love yoga and need to practice daily.

  2. Thank you for your comments. I never thought I would get so much out of the few times I did it. Growing up Yoga was so taboo ... glad you liked the post.
